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The Best Tips for Living and Working from Home

With Ontario still in the midst of a pandemic and after a full year of living and working from home, we are growing accustomed to a different lifestyle – one with limited options and at times, less balance between work and play. It’s never easy and with us staying at home more often for the foreseeable future, we might start growing complacent or might need help discovering new things to do to occupy our minds and our time. If you’re feeling less productive while working from home or just need some help maintaining your mental health, check out our tips to help you succeed as you continue to #staysafe at home:

1. Relax, Breathe, Meditate

It might seem simple, but this is vital. Taking a minute to breathe and relax is integral to those of us working from home and for being stuck in the house for days at a time. Meditation and deep breathing has so many physical benefits, including decreased blood pressure, lower levels of anxiety and an overall healthy immune system. It can also help maintain your focus during the day and has the added benefit of generating kindness (less frustration = less moodiness). Having a dedicated space in your home is also a great way to maintain this focus. Create a soft, calming and safe space, whether it’s a spare room or even just a clean corner.

2. Create Your WFH Space and Routine

Got even more spare room? Easy home office. But not everyone has extra flex space they can easily flip into a personal workspace. As well, you need a specific space that signals to your brain it’s time to work. Whether it’s a desk in a bedroom, a particular chair used only for work, or a cordoned off area of the kitchen table, creating a productive and comfortable place to work is key. It is way too easy to wake up, roll over and grab your laptop and start answering emails from the comfort of your sheets, getting stuck there for hours and launching into a hectic and stressful spiral (not to mention, it’s much too easy to fall prey to naps while sitting in bed). The remedy to this: create a schedule and include work time, meals, exercise and very important mental health breaks. This allows you to better organize your day and feel more productive (which in turn will make you productive).

3. Stay Active! Stay Active! Stay Active!

When you are working full time from home, sitting in front of a screen all day can be mentally exasperating. Keeping your attention in one place for too long can be boring and is not sustainable. It’s also physically unhealthy to be sedentary for too long, sitting in one place without moving around. The answer here is easy: stand up, walk away from your computer and focus on something else for five minutes. Walk around your living space, take a trip to the fridge for a glass of water (staying hydrated is another extremely important tip!) or take a quick break and get some fresh air outside. Do this every half hour to an hour and you’ll be feeling better and creating a balanced WFH lifestyle that is better for your in the long run. Busy watching your kids? Take them with you on walks to the park – they need the fresh air just as much you do.

4. Educate Yourself: Learn a New Skill

Want to ward off the boredom? Why not learn a new skill and hobby? Engaging our brains (outside of work) is one way to feel productive, useful and energized. Try Skillshare or Masterclass if you’re craving knowledgeable instructors and want to dive deeper into new subjects and talents, all from the comfort of home (classes range from cooking, writing and business to art, music and wellness and everything in between.). Take a virtual cocktail making class or peruse Youtube for new chef-worthy recipes you can recreate for you and your family. The key is to find something new that interests you and to engage with it! You might just find something you really love.

How are you coping with being at home more often? We hope these suggestions inspire you to rediscover your passions or encourage you to take a breath and a break. For many of us working from home, what tips are you utilizing to stay productive (and sane)? Let us know on social – Facebook and Instagram.

We at Highmark Homes encourage you and your family to stay safe. Take every precaution to limit the spread of COVID-19 by wearing a mask when mandated and take the vaccine when it becomes available. Keep well and stay safe.